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Changes to Handbook:
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PRIN - Principles for Businesses
SYSC - Senior Management Arrangements, Systems and Controls
COCON - Code of Conduct
COND - Threshold Conditions
APER - Statements of Principle and Code of Practice for Approved Persons
FIT - The Fit and Proper test for Approved Persons
FINMAR - Financial Stability and Market Confidence Sourcebook
TC - Training and Competence
GEN - General Provisions
FEES - Fees Manual
GENPRU - General Prudential sourcebook
BIPRU - Prudential sourcebook for Banks, Building Societies and Investment Firms
IFPRU - Prudential sourcebook for Investment Firms
INSPRU - Prudential sourcebook for Insurers
MIFIDPRU - Prudential sourcebook for MiFID Investment Firms
MIPRU - Prudential sourcebook for Mortgage and Home Finance Firms, and Insurance Intermediaries
UPRU - Prudential sourcebook for UCITS Firms
COB - Conduct of Business
COBS - Conduct of Business Sourcebook
ICOB - Insurance: Conduct of Business
ICOBS - Insurance: Conduct of Business sourcebook
MCOB - Mortgages: Conduct of Business Mortgages and Home Finance: Conduct of Business sourcebook
BCOBS - Banking: Conduct of Business sourcebook
CMCOB - Claims Management: Conduct of Business sourcebook
FPCOB - Funeral Plan: Conduct of Business sourcebook
CASS - Client Assets
MAR - Market Conduct
PRU - Integrated Prudential sourcebook
IPRU-FSOC - Interim Prudential sourcebook for friendly societies
IPRU-INS - Interim Prudential sourcebook for insurers
IPRU-INV - Interim Prudential sourcebook for investment businesses
IPRU-BANK - Interim Prudential sourcebook for banks
IPRU-BSOC - Interim Prudential sourcebook for building societies
PROD - Product Intervention and Product Governance Sourcebook
ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance sourcebook
ML - Money Laundering
PDCOB - Pensions Dashboards: Conduct of Business
SUP - Supervision
DEPP - Decision Procedure and Penalties Manual
AUTH - Authorisation (to see AUTH derivations and destinations tables, go to Useful links)
DEC - Decision Making
ENF - Enforcement
DISP - Dispute Resolution: Complaints
CONRED - Consumer Redress Schemes sourcebook
COMP - Compensation
COAF - Complaints against the FSA
BSOCS - Building Societies sourcebook
COLL - New Collective Investment Schemes Collective Investment Schemes
CRED - Credit Unions
CREDS - Credit Unions New sourcebook Credit Unions sourcebook
CONC - Consumer Credit sourcebook
FUND - Investment Funds sourcebook
RCB - Regulated Covered Bonds
REC - Recognised Investment Exchanges and Recognised Clearing Houses Recognised Investment Exchanges
CIS - Collective Investment Schemes
ECO - Electronic Commerce Directive
ELM - Electronic Money
LLD - Lloyd's
PROF - Professional Firms
ATCS - Access to Cash
CTPS - Critical Third Parties
LR - Listing Rules
PRR – Prospectus Regulation Rules
DTR - Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules
DISC - Product Disclosure sourcebook
UKLR - UK Listing Rules
EMPS - Energy Market Participants
SERV - Service companies
BENCH - General guidance on Benchmark Submission and Administration
FREN - Small Friendly Societies
GIGI - Small Mortgage and Insurance Intermediaries: Part III - Insurance Intermediaries (additional rules)
MIGI - Small Mortgage and Insurance Intermediaries: Part I - General Rules
MOGI - Small Mortgage and Insurance Intermediaries: Part II - Mortgage Intermediaries (additional rules)
OMPS - Oil Market Participants
SIFA - Using the FSA Handbook: an Overview for small IFA firms
BSOG - The Building Societies Regulatory Guide
COLLG - The Collective Investment Scheme Information Guide
FCG - Financial Crime Guide: A firm’s guide to countering financial crime risks (FCG)
FCTR - Financial Crime Thematic Reviews
INTRP - Interpretation
EG - The Enforcement Guide
FC - Financial Crime: a guide for firms
PERG - The Perimeter Guidance Manual
RPPD - The Responsibilities of Providers and Distributors for the Fair Treatment of Customers
UNFCOG - The Unfair Contract Terms Regulatory Guide
CRAG - The Credit Rating Agencies Guide
WDPG - The Wind-down Planning Guide
M2G - The MiFID 2 Onshoring Guide
RFCCBS - FCA Registration Function under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Guide
FR1 - Fundamental Rules
HP1 - Housing
ICAA - Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment
DC - Definition of Capital
BIA - Benchmarking of Internal Approaches
CR - Credit Risk
CCR - Counterparty Credit Risk
MR - Market Risk
GRP - Groups
LE - Large Exposures
PB - Public Disclosure
WTP - Waivers Transitional Provisions
PRM - Permissions
RPS - Related Party Transaction Risk
CB - Capital Buffers
IG1 - Information Gathering
PW1 - Permissions and Waivers
AD1 - Auditors
LAA1 - Lloyd's: Actuaries and Auditors
RER1 - Remuneration Reporting Requirements
NT1 - Notifications
RSP1 - Resolution Pack
RCOV1 - Recovery Plans
IGFS1 - Group Financial Support
CRB1 - Contractual Recognition of Bail-in
RR - Recovery and Resolution
SP1 - Skilled Persons
FR2 - Fundamental Rules
HP2 - Housing
IG2 - Information Gathering
PW2 - Permissions and Waivers
RR2 - Recovery and Resolution
AD2 - Auditors
LAA2 - Lloyd's: Actuaries and Auditors
SP2 - Skilled Persons
IFTCF - Incoming Firms and Third Country Firms
NT2 - Notifications
RER2 - Remuneration Reporting Requirements
FR3 - Fundamental Rules
IG3 - Information Gathering
PW3 - Permissions and Waivers
AD3 - Auditors
LAA3 - Lloyd's: Actuaries and Auditors
SP3 - Skilled Persons
NT3 - Notifications
FR4 - Fundamental Rules
IG4 - Information Gathering
PW4 - Permissions and Waivers
AD4 - Auditors
LAA4 - Lloyd's: Actuaries and Auditors
SP4 - Skilled Persons
NT4 - Notifications
AD5 - Auditors
LAA5 - Lloyd's: Actuaries and Auditors
RCOV2 - Recovery Plans
RSP2 - Resolution Pack
IGFS2 - Group Financial Support
CRB2 - Contractual Recognition of Bail-in