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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

large ACS investor

As Published: 2013

large ACS investor

49 in relation to an ACS , a person who in exchange for units in the scheme : (a) makes a payment of not less than £1,000,000; or (b) contributes property with a value of not less than £1,000,000.


As Published: 2002


(in relation to a person ): 23 (a) that person ; and (b) any person that is either: (i) a subsidiary undertaking of that person ; or (ii) an undertaking in which that person or a subsidiary undertakin…

BNPL credit

As Published: 2019

BNPL credit

credit in relation to which provision is made that: (1) (a) no, or reduced, interest or charges are payable by the borrower in respect of an initial period of 56 days or more (“the promotional period”…

annual statement provisions

As Published: 2006

annual statement provisions

32 (in MCOB ) in relation to a: (a) regulated mortgage contract , MCOB 7.5 ; (b) home purchase plan , MCOB 7.8.3 R to MCOB 7.8.6 R ; and (c) instalment reversion plan , MCOB 9.9.1 R to MCOB 9.9.3R (2)…


As Published: 2017


the UK version of 132 118 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/582 of 29 June 2016 supplementing MiFIR with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the obligation to clear derivatives…


As Published: 2015


SUP 16 Annex 34 [deleted]

As Published: 2012

SUP 16 Annex 34 [deleted]

incoming data reporting services provider

As Published: 2017

incoming data reporting services provider

150 a data reporting services provider authorised or applying for authorisation under Title V of MiFID 150 in an EEA State , other than the UK , to provide a data reporting service in the UK .

OPS collective investment scheme

As Published: 2001

OPS collective investment scheme

a collective investment scheme the contributions to which consist entirely of assets held for an occupational pension scheme . 4…

prohibited action

As Published: 2016

prohibited action

151 an action which a ring-fenced body is prohibited from taking by an order made under section 142E of the Act .

basic liquid assets requirement

As Published: 2001

basic liquid assets requirement

81 the requirement in MIFIDPRU 6.2.1R for a MIFIDPRU investment firm to hold a minimum amount of core liquid assets .

UCITS remuneration principles

As Published: 2016

UCITS remuneration principles

69 the principles set out in SYSC 19E.2.5R to SYSC 19E.2.27R .

qualifying master LTAF

As Published: 2021

qualifying master LTAF

34 where a feeder LTAF is dedicated to units in a single collective investment scheme which is a second scheme that operates in accordance with the principle of prudent risk spreading (see COLL 15.6.3…

1986 Act

As Published: 2010

1986 Act

70 (in BSOCS ) the Building Societies Act 1986.

trading desk

As Published: 2001

trading desk

103 an identified group of individuals established by a firm for the joint management of one or more portfolios of trading book positions in accordance with a well-defined and consistent business stra…

risk weighted exposure amount

As Published: 2006

risk weighted exposure amount

130 (1) [deleted] 212 142 142 142 (2) (for an exposure under MIPRU ) the credit risk capital requirement under MIPRU 4.2A.4 R after application of a risk weight . 142…

pension conversion

As Published: 2015

pension conversion

126 a transaction resulting from a decision of a retail client to require the trustees or managers of a pension scheme to: (a) convert safeguarded benefits into different benefits that are flexible be…

benchmark activities

As Published: 2018

benchmark activities

74 the following activities: (1) the regulated activity of administering a benchmark ; or (2) contributing input data to a BMR benchmark administrator . [Note: contributing input data to a BMR benchma…


As Published: 2013


50 an AIF that is: (a) an authorised fund ; or (b) not an authorised fund but has its registered office or head office in the UK ;…


As Published: 2006


45 a securitisation special purpose entity .