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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

overseas SMCR banking firm

As Published: 2019

overseas SMCR banking firm

96 a firm identified as an overseas banking firm in the decision tree in SYSC 23 Annex 1 (Definition of SMCR firm and different types of SMCR firms) and Part Four of that Annex.

cash access service

As Published: 2024

cash access service

283 has the meaning given in section 131N of the Act , which is: (a) a service which enables cash to be placed on a relevant current account ; or (b) a service which enables cash to be withdrawn from…

retirement annuity

As Published: 2001

retirement annuity

an individual pension policy effected before 1 July 1988 53 by a self-employed person or a person in non-pensionable employment which was 53 approved under Chapter III, Part XIV of the Income and Corp…

Part 30 exemption order

As Published: 2001

Part 30 exemption order

the order under regulation 30.10 of the General Regulations under the US Commodity Exchange Act issued by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission on 10 October 2003 (consolidating and updating relief…

Insurance Ombudsman scheme

As Published: 2001

Insurance Ombudsman scheme

the former scheme set up, on a voluntary basis, to handle complaints against those insurance companies which subscribed to it. 1…

management expenses levy

As Published: 2001

management expenses levy

a levy imposed by the FSCS on participant firms to meet the management expenses and which is made up of one or more of a base cost levy and 53 a specific costs levy , each participant firm's share bei…

SUP 16 Annex 3 [deleted]

As Published: 2001

SUP 16 Annex 3 [deleted]

third country reinsurance undertaking

As Published: 2021

third country reinsurance undertaking

104 a third country insurance undertaking as defined in regulation 2 of the Solvency 2 Regulations 2015 .

own-initiative powers

As Published: 2022

own-initiative powers

the 107 121 FCA's or the PRA's own-initiative variation power and own-initiative requirement power , which powers are supplemented, in respect of FCA-authorised persons , by the FCA’s additional own-i…

entering into a regulated consumer hire agreement as owner

As Published: 2013

entering into a regulated consumer hire agreement as owner

87 the regulated activity specified in article 60N(1) of the Regulated Activities Order .

MAR 6.11 Execution price of professional client orders [deleted]

As Published: 2017

MAR 6.11 Execution price of professional client orders [deleted]

director of unincorporated association function

As Published: 2001

director of unincorporated association function

108 FCA controlled function CF5 in 122 the table of FCA controlled functions , described more fully in SUP 10A.6.29 R .

IDD POG Regulation

As Published: 2018

IDD POG Regulation

192 160 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2358 of 21 September 2017, supplementing the IDD of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to product oversight and governance require…

listing particulars

As Published: 2005

listing particulars

(in UKLR 105 and PRR 80 ) (in accordance with section 79(2) of the Act ), a document in such form and containing such information as may be specified in listing rules . 14…

supplementary prospectus

As Published: 2005

supplementary prospectus

(in Part 6 rules ) a supplementary prospectus containing details of a new factor, mistake or inaccuracy. 34…

debt collector

As Published: 2014

debt collector

87 a person who has, or ought to have, a Part 4A permission to carry on the regulated activity of debt adjusting and who takes steps to procure payment of debts due under credit agreements or consumer…

consumer-facing disclosure

As Published: 2023

consumer-facing disclosure

275 a disclosure produced under ESG 5.2 in respect of a sustainability product .

precious metals

As Published: 2001

precious metals

5 (in COLL ) gold, silver or platinum.

authorised insurance company

As Published: 2006

authorised insurance company

40 (In COMP ) (in accordance with the compensation transitionals order ) a person who was, at any time before commencement , authorised under section 3 or 4 of the Insurance Companies Act 1982 to carr…

automatic enrolment scheme

As Published: 2011

automatic enrolment scheme

76 a scheme that meets the conditions in Part 1 of the Pensions Act 2008. In summary this is a qualifying occupational pension scheme or qualifying personal pension scheme that enables automatic enrol…