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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

ATCS 1.3 Interpretation

As Published: 2024

ATCS 1.3 Interpretation

payment initiation service

As Published: 2018

payment initiation service

159 (in accordance with regulation 2(1) of the Payment Services Regulations ) an online service to initiate a payment order at the request of the payment service user with respect to a payment account…

mortgage administrator

As Published: 2003

mortgage administrator

11 12 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) for administering a regulated mortgage contract .

linked liabilities

As Published: 2007

linked liabilities

29 property-linked liabilities or index-linked liabilities .

future service restriction

As Published: 2017

future service restriction

106 any provision in an agreement between a firm and a client which, in addition to the products or services to which the agreement relates, grants the firm or an affiliated company of the firm : (1)…

affinity/partnership scheme

As Published: 2021

affinity/partnership scheme

165 where a firm forms a scheme with another business (usually a brand whose main business is not insurance) to distribute home insurance or motor insurance products to consumers under the partner’s b…

insurance distributor

As Published: 2018

insurance distributor

160 an insurance intermediary or insurer . [Note: article 2(1)(8) of the IDD ]…


As Published: 2016


165 ring-fenced body .

intermediate rate of return

As Published: 2007

intermediate rate of return

68 (in COBS ) the intermediate rate of return described in paragraph 2.3 of the projection rules ( COBS 13 Annex 2 ).

banking and investment services conglomerate

As Published: 2006

banking and investment services conglomerate

23 a financial conglomerate that is identified in paragraph 4.3 of GENPRU 3 Annex 1 (Types of financial conglomerate) as a banking and investment services conglomerate .

mineral expert's report

As Published: 2005

mineral expert's report

a competent person's 93 report prepared in accordance with 93 paragraph 133 of section III.2 of the technical note on PR disclosure and specialist issuers 156 . 28…


As Published: 2001


256 current market value .

existing product

As Published: 2022

existing product

159 a product which: (1) was manufactured , marketed or distributed 162 before 31 July 2023; and (2) is marketed or distributed 162 to retail customers (including by way of renewal) on or after 31 Jul…

EEA account

As Published: 2016

EEA account

116 has the same meaning as in article 2(3) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Ring-fenced Bodies and Core Activities) Order 2014 (2014 No. 1960)…

equity release transaction

As Published: 2006

equity release transaction

31 a lifetime mortgage or a home reversion plan .

advice, investigation or representation in relation to a criminal injury claim

As Published: 2019

advice, investigation or representation in relation to a criminal injury claim

151 the regulated activity , specified in article 89L of the Regulated Activities Order , of each of advising a claimant or potential claimant , investigating a claim and representing a claimant , in…

hybrid meeting

As Published: 2024

hybrid meeting

61 (in COLL 4 ) has the meaning given in COLL 4.4.1AR(2) .

projected pension pot value

As Published: 2022

projected pension pot value

214 an estimate of the value of a relevant pension scheme member’s pension benefits at their retirement date expressed as a single amount.

SUP 16 Annex 35A Close Links Monthly Report

As Published: 2013

SUP 16 Annex 35A Close Links Monthly Report


As Published: 2005


(in UKLR 282 ) any document issued to holders of listed securities including notices of meetings but excluding prospectuses , listing particulars , annual reports and accounts, interim reports, proxy…