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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

COBS 12.3 Non-independent research [deleted]

As Published: 2017

COBS 12.3 Non-independent research [deleted]

public offer

As Published: 2001

public offer

5 an offer of securities to the public and described in the POS Regulations .

TC 2.2B Reporting requirements [deleted]

As Published: 2011

TC 2.2B Reporting requirements [deleted]

self-regulatory organisation

As Published: 2020

self-regulatory organisation

191 one of the professional bodies listed in Schedule 1 to the Money Laundering Regulations .

Pensions Ombudsman

As Published: 2018

Pensions Ombudsman

165 the person appointed as the Pensions Ombudsman by the Secretary of State under section 145 of the Pensions Schemes Act 1993.

framework contract

As Published: 2009

framework contract

36 157 (in accordance with regulation 2(1) of the Payment Services Regulations ) a contract for payment services which governs the future execution of individual and successive payment transactions 11…

member of the management body

As Published: 2017

member of the management body

118 (in relation to a UK recognised body ) any one of the following: (a) its chairman or president; or (b) its chief executive ; or (c) a member of its governing body ; or (d) a person who, alone or j…

policy summary

As Published: 2004

policy summary

21 a summary of a non-investment insurance contract in the format and 62 containing the information specified in ICOBS 6 Annex 2 62 .

historic price

As Published: 2001

historic price

a price calculated by reference to the valuation point immediately preceding the authorised fund manager's agreement to sell or, as the case may be, to redeem the units in question. 1…

occupational pension scheme

As Published: 2001

occupational pension scheme

(a) (a scheme 24 specified in article 3(1) of the Regulated Activities Order (Interpretation)) which is, in summary, a pension scheme established for the purpose of providing benefits to people with s…

COCON Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

As Published: 2015

COCON Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

Debt Respite moratorium

As Published: 2021

Debt Respite moratorium

143 means a breathing space moratorium or mental health crisis moratorium under The Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space Moratorium and Mental Health Crisis Moratorium) (England and Wales) Regulations…

K-DTF requirement

As Published: 2001

K-DTF requirement

15 the part of the K-factor requirement calculated on the basis of the DTF of a MIFIDPRU investment firm in accordance with MIFIDPRU 4.15 .

funds at Lloyd's

As Published: 2001

funds at Lloyd's

assets (not being syndicate assets ) provided by or on behalf of a member to meet the liabilities arising from the member 's insurance business at Lloyd's which are held in a Lloyd's trust fund and ma…

pre-contractual disclosure

As Published: 2023

pre-contractual disclosure

220 a disclosure produced under ESG 5.3 in respect of a sustainability product .

COND Sch 6 Rules that can be waived

As Published: 2004

COND Sch 6 Rules that can be waived

full-scope EEA AIFM

As Published: 2013

full-scope EEA AIFM

70 an EEA AIFM which is authorised by its Home State in accordance with article 6(1) of AIFMD .

SUP 16 Annex 1 [deleted]

As Published: 2001

SUP 16 Annex 1 [deleted]

eligible distribution of income

As Published: 2024

eligible distribution of income

169 an eligible CIS amount within section 9(3)(c) of the Dormant Assets Act 2022.


As Published: 2001


any piece of recorded information, including (in accordance with section 417(1) of the Act (Interpretation)) information recorded in any form; in relation to information recorded otherwise than in leg…