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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).


As Published: 2001


149 the Prudential sourcebook for MiFID Investment Firms.

market maker exemption

As Published: 2012

market maker exemption

79 an exemption from articles 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 and 14 of the short selling regulation for transactions performed due to market making activities pursuant to article 17 of the short selling regulation .


As Published: 2001


5 one of the Principles set out in PRIN 2.1.1 R (Principles for Businesses).

COND Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

As Published: 2004

COND Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

instrument of incorporation

As Published: 2001

instrument of incorporation

the instrument of incorporation of an ICVC (as from time to time amended) initially provided to the FCA 196 in accordance with regulation 14(1)(c) of the OEIC regulations . 5…


As Published: 2019


228 (in CMCOB , and elsewhere in the FCA Handbook in relation to regulated claims management activities ) includes, for the purposes of civil proceedings in Scotland, a pursuer.


As Published: 2018


170 means: (a) the sovereign or other head of a State in their public capacity; (b) the government of a State; (c) a department of a State; or (d) an agency or a special purpose vehicle of a State, in…

credit broking

As Published: 2013

credit broking

149 an activity of the kind specified in article 36A of the Regulated Activities Order .

accumulation unit

As Published: 2001

accumulation unit

4 a unit in respect of which income is credited periodically to capital property under COLL 6.8.3 R (Income allocation and distribution) 44 .

TPR SFGB money advice levy

As Published: 2019

TPR SFGB money advice levy

86 the amount payable to the FCA by a firm to which FEES 7B.3 (The TPR SFGB money advice levy and debt advice levy) and FEES 7B Annex 1R apply.

clearing facilitation service

As Published: 2013

clearing facilitation service

286 (in relation to a RIE ) any regulated activity carried on by an RIE for the purposes of, or in connection with, the provision by the RIE of services designed to facilitate the provision of clearin…

linked deposits

As Published: 2003

linked deposits

7 additional facilities (which may be a current account, a savings account, or both) that are linked to a regulated mortgage contract but which may be the subject of a separate contract.

conditional permitted unlisted securities

As Published: 2020

conditional permitted unlisted securities

251 in relation to conditional permitted links , any investment (including a share, debt security, Treasury Bill, Tax Reserve Certificate or Certificate of Tax Deposit) that is not a permitted unliste…

restricted option

As Published: 2019

restricted option

197 an option : (1) that is in the money at the point of sale; (2) where the value is determined by one-to-one fluctuations in the value or price of the underlying asset; and (3) for which the value i…

Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act

As Published: 2016

Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act

147 the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 (c.26).

governing body

As Published: 2001

governing body

the board of directors , committee of management or other governing body of a firm or recognised body , including, in relation to a sole trader , the sole trader . 4…

relevant body

As Published: 2021

relevant body

211 (in MIFIDPRU ) a general meeting of the shareholders of a firm or an equivalent meeting of the owners of a firm .

EEA UCITS scheme

As Published: 2011

EEA UCITS scheme

69 a collective investment scheme established in accordance with the UCITS Directive in an EEA State 137 .

credit union subordinated debt

As Published: 2016

credit union subordinated debt

207 a subordinated loan to a credit union that meets the conditions in part 8.2(5) of the Credit Unions Rulebook Part of the PRA Rulebook .

UK parent investment holding company

As Published: 2001

UK parent investment holding company

92 an investment holding company incorporated in the UK or that has its principal place of business in the UK that: (1) is part of an investment firm group ; and (2) is not a subsidiary of: (a) a MIFI…