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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

relevant sovereign debt

As Published: 2019

relevant sovereign debt

197 a debt issuance, issued by or on behalf of: (a) the government of the United Kingdom ; (b) the Scottish Administration; (c) the Executive Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly; (d) the Nation…

upper tier three capital

As Published: 2006

upper tier three capital

19 an item of capital that is specified in stage O of the capital resources table (Upper tier three).

regulatory costs

As Published: 2003

regulatory costs

the periodic fees payable to the FCA 177 by a participant firm in accordance with FEES 4 (Periodic fees) 36 .


As Published: 2001


2 a limitation incorporated in a Part 4A permission 106 under section 55E(5) 106 of the Act (Giving permission): the FCA), section 55F(4) of the Act (Giving permission: the PRA) 106 or section 55J(10)…

EMIR requirements

As Published: 2013

EMIR requirements

83 requirements imposed under EMIR and any regulation made under it.

Distance Marketing Regulations

As Published: 2003

Distance Marketing Regulations

12 17 The Financial Services (Distance Marketing) Regulations 2004 (SI 2004/2095). 19…

client money resource

As Published: 2014

client money resource

166 the aggregate balance on the firm's client bank accounts (see CASS 7.16.8 R ).

housing disrepair claim

As Published: 2019

housing disrepair claim

44 a claim of the description specified in article 89F(2)(e) of the Regulated Activities Order .

employee benefit consultant

As Published: 2010

employee benefit consultant

65 a person that gives advice, or provides services to, an employer in connection with a group personal pension scheme or group stakeholder pension scheme provided, or to be provided, by the employer…

capital conservation buffer

As Published: 2014

capital conservation buffer

162 (in accordance with article 128(1) of CRD (Definitions)) the amount of common equity tier 1 capital a firm must calculate in line with IFPRU 10.2 .

statutory notice

As Published: 2001

statutory notice

a warning notice , decision notice or supervisory notice . 5…


As Published: 2001


3 an ISA which includes a stocks and shares component and may also include other qualifying investments such as: (a) a cash component ; (b) an insurance component ; as prescribed in paragraphs 7, 8 an…

simplified ILAS BIPRU firm

As Published: 2009

simplified ILAS BIPRU firm

84 an ILAS BIPRU firm that, in accordance with the procedures in BIPRU 12 (Liquidity), is using the simplified ILAS .

third-country countercyclical buffer authority

As Published: 2014

third-country countercyclical buffer authority

60 the authority of a third country empowered by law or regulation with responsibility for setting the countercyclical buffer rate for that third country .

incoming EEA AIFM branch

As Published: 2013

incoming EEA AIFM branch

114 an incoming EEA firm which is an AIFM and exercising its right to establish a branch under AIFMD .

market making strategy

As Published: 2018

market making strategy

126 a strategy undertaken by a person where: (a) the person is a member or participant of one or more trading venues ; (b) the person’s strategy, when dealing on own account , involves posting firm, s…


As Published: 2017


118 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2017/585 of 14 July 2016 supplementing MiFIR with regard to regulatory technical standards for the data standards and formats for financial instrument refer…

APER Sch 3 Fees and required payments

As Published: 2004

APER Sch 3 Fees and required payments

property authorised investment fund

As Published: 2008

property authorised investment fund

an open-ended investment company to which Part 4A of the Authorised Investment Funds (Tax) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/964) applies. 65…


As Published: 2013


51 an AIFM which is not a UK AIFM or an EEA AIFM .