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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

scheme particulars

As Published: 2001

scheme particulars

a document containing information about a regulated collective investment scheme . 5…

exempt MCD regulated mortgage contract

As Published: 2015

exempt MCD regulated mortgage contract

102 a regulated mortgage contract that is: (a) an MCD exempt bridging loan ; (b) an MCD exempt credit union loan ; (c) an MCD exempt overdraft loan ; or (d) an MCD exempt lifetime mortgage .

pension transfer specialist

As Published: 2001

pension transfer specialist

an individual who: 166 (1) has passed the required examinations as specified in TC ; and 166 (2) is employed by a firm to give advice on pension transfers, pension conversions and pension opt-outs or…

MLR person

As Published: 2017

MLR person

122 a person that is registered under the Money Laundering Regulations .

qualifying social entrepreneurship fund

As Published: 2013

qualifying social entrepreneurship fund

21 has the meaning given in article 3(b) of the EuSEF regulation .

synthetic cash

As Published: 2001

synthetic cash

a position in a derivative that offsets an exposure in property to the point where that exposure has effectively been neutralised, and the effect of the combined holding of both property and the posit…


As Published: 2005


(in PRR 156 and LR 4 ) (as defined in the Prospectus Regulation ) a communication with both of the following characteristics 156 : (a) relating to a specific offer to the public of securities or to an…

REC Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

As Published: 2004

REC Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

third country competent authority

As Published: 2006

third country competent authority

26 a regulatory body of a state or territory that is not an EEA State .

secured debt

As Published: 2001

secured debt

a debt fully secured on: 28 19 (a) assets whose value at least equals the amount of debt; or 28 19 (b) a letter of credit or guarantee from an approved counterparty . 5 28 19…

Electing Participants Regulations

As Published: 2004

Electing Participants Regulations

the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Compensation Scheme: Electing Participants) Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/1783).

issuing electronic money

As Published: 2011

issuing electronic money

102 197 the activity specified in article 9B of the Regulated Activities Order (Issuing electronic money), which is the activity of issuing electronic money by: (a) a credit institution , a credit uni…

innovative finance component

As Published: 2016

innovative finance component

142 a qualifying investment as prescribed in regulation 8A of the ISA Regulations .

relevant office-holder

As Published: 2001

relevant office-holder

a relevant office-holder as defined in section 189 of the Companies Act 1989, which is in summary: (a) the official receiver; (b) (in relation to a company) any person acting as its liquidator, provis…

relevant provisions

As Published: 2014

relevant provisions

132 in accordance with article 36A of the Regulated Activities Order , articles 60C (exempt agreements: exemptions relating to the nature of the agreement), 60D (exempt agreements: exemption relating…

specific costs

As Published: 2001

specific costs

management expenses other than base costs and establishment costs . 4…

approved credit institution

As Published: 2001

approved credit institution

a credit institution recognised or permitted under the law of an EEA State to carry on any of the activities set out in Annex 1 to the CRD 106 .

credit repair firm

As Published: 2013

credit repair firm

151 a firm which carries on the activity of providing credit information services with a view to securing or advising on the correction of or omission of anything from, or making of any modification o…

approved stock lending transaction

As Published: 2004

approved stock lending transaction

21 a stock lending transaction in respect of which the conditions in 37 INSPRU 3.2.36 R 37 have been met.

intermediate holding vehicle

As Published: 2007

intermediate holding vehicle

71 a company , trust or partnership but not a collective investment scheme , whose purpose is to enable the holding of overseas 74 immovables on behalf of a non-UCITS retail scheme or a qualified inve…