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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

approved money-market instrument

As Published: 2008

approved money-market instrument

57 (in accordance with COLL 5.2.7F R ) a money-market instrument which is normally dealt in on the money market, is liquid and has a value which can be accurately determined at any time.

CASS large firm

As Published: 2010

CASS large firm

110 has the meaning in CASS 1A.2.7 R (CASS firm types).

CASS large debt management firm internal client money reconciliation

As Published: 2014

CASS large debt management firm internal client money reconciliation

157 the internal client money reconciliation that CASS large debt management firms are obliged to undertake pursuant to CASS 11.11.13 R to CASS 11.11.21 R .

temporary product intervention rule

As Published: 2017

temporary product intervention rule

79 a rule made under sections 137D and 138M of the Act .

SUP 10A Annex 3 [Not used]

As Published: 2013

SUP 10A Annex 3 [Not used]

real estate market adjustment ratio

As Published: 2004

real estate market adjustment ratio

29 has the meaning set out, in relation to the resilience capital requirement , in 46 INSPRU 3.1.21R 46 .

full credit institution

As Published: 2002

full credit institution

a credit institution that falls within paragraph (1) 4 (a) 35 of the definition of credit institution .

supervisory formula method

As Published: 2006

supervisory formula method

45 (for the purposes of (Securitisation), in relation to a securitisation within the meaning of paragraph (2) of the definition of securitisation and in accordance with Part 1 of Annex IX of the Banki…

KII Regulation

As Published: 2011

KII Regulation

8 Commission Regulation (EU) No 583/2010, specifying the form and contents of key investor information , the text of which is reproduced in COLL Appendix 1EU .

MCD credit intermediation activity

As Published: 2015

MCD credit intermediation activity

99 the activity of acting as an MCD mortgage credit intermediary or an MCD article 3(1)(b) credit intermediary . [Note: article 4(5) and (21) of the MCD ]…


As Published: 2001


discounting or deductions to take account of investment income as set out in paragraph 48 of the insurance accounts rules . 3…


As Published: 2006


48 counterparty credit risk…

initial coupon rate

As Published: 2004

initial coupon rate

32 (in relation to a tier one instrument ) the coupon rate of the instrument at the time it is issued.

reversion intermediary

As Published: 2006

reversion intermediary

42 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) to carry on a reversion mediation activity .

general wrong-way risk

As Published: 2006

general wrong-way risk

20 (in accordance with Part 1 of Annex III of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Definitions) and for the purpose of BIPRU 13 (The calculation of counterparty risk exposure values for financial deri…

end client

As Published: 2017

end client

119 the person or group of persons at the end of the supply chain.

complaints reporting rules

As Published: 2007

complaints reporting rules

58 289 DISP 1.10 72 . 67…

information society service

As Published: 2002

information society service

62 an information society service, as defined by article 2(a) of the E-Commerce Directive and article 1(2) of the Technical Standards and Regulations Directive (98/34/EC), which is in summary any serv…

Consumer Panel

As Published: 2001

Consumer Panel

the panel of persons which section 1Q 287 of the Act (The Consumer Panel) requires the FCA 287 to establish and maintain, as part of its arrangements for consultation under section 1M 287 , to represe…

relevant time period

As Published: 2015

relevant time period

153 for each payment system 191 listed in column 1 of the table in 191 FEES 9 Annex 1R , the time period or date specified for that payment system 191 in column 3 of the table 191 .