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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

contribution of input data

As Published: 2018

contribution of input data

225 the contribution of input data as defined in article 3.1(8) of the benchmarks regulation . [Note: contributing input data is not a regulated activity .]…

IFR transactions by card issuers operating in the United Kingdom

As Published: 2016

IFR transactions by card issuers operating in the United Kingdom

149 all transactions subject to the IFR on cards issued by UK -based card issuers (or an operator acting as such an card issuer ), where the acquirer is located in the EEA .

MCOB 2 Annex 1G Form of joint instruction letter

As Published: 2010

MCOB 2 Annex 1G Form of joint instruction letter

SUP 16 Annex 30D [deleted]

As Published: 2011

SUP 16 Annex 30D [deleted]

loss given default

As Published: 2006

loss given default

22 (in accordance with Article 4(27) of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Definitions) and in relation to the IRB approach ) the ratio of the loss on an exposure due to the default of a counterpart…

regulated insurance entity

As Published: 2004

regulated insurance entity

23 an insurance undertaking or reinsurance undertaking 141 within the meaning of article 13(1) and (4) of the Solvency II Directive . 141…

material holding

As Published: 2002

material holding

(1) 40 4 [deleted] 76 172 (2) (for the purposes of GENPRU and BIPRU ) has the meaning in GENPRU 2.2.209 R (Deductions from tiers one and two: Material holdings (BIPRU firm only)). 76 172…

collective portfolio management

As Published: 2011

collective portfolio management

118 in relation to a management company , the activity of management of UCITS schemes , EEA UCITS schemes or other collective investment undertakings not covered by the UCITS Directive that the firm i…


As Published: 2015


99 Mortgage Credit Directive, Directive 2014/17/EU on credit agreements for consumers relating to residential immovable property.

approved depositary

As Published: 2001

approved depositary

4 2 any depositary : (a) which is subject to regulation by a national regulatory body in connection with its custody services; (b) which is required to prepare audited accounts; (c) whose latest annua…

redemption charge

As Published: 2001

redemption charge

an amount levied by the operator 72 of a scheme 72 upon the redemption 72 of units 72 , in the case of an authorised fund 72 under (Charges on buying and selling units). 72…

qualifying master scheme

As Published: 2012

qualifying master scheme

18 where a feeder NURS is dedicated to units in a single collective investment scheme , which meets the requirements in COLL 5.6.26R (1) , that collective investment scheme .

gross earned premiums

As Published: 2004

gross earned premiums

12 (in relation to a financial year ) such proportion of gross written premiums as is attributable to risk borne by the insurer during that financial year .

payment routing information

As Published: 2009

payment routing information

76 a combination of letters, numbers or symbols specified by a firm to be provided when instructing or requesting the firm to make a payment from an account of a banking customer for the purpose of ro…

home purchase mediation activity

As Published: 2006

home purchase mediation activity

8 any of the following regulated activities : (a) arranging (bringing about) a home purchase plan (article 25C(1)); (b) making arrangements with a view to a home purchase plan (article 25C(2)); (c) ad…


As Published: 2006


23 a contract to buy or sell where the date for settlement has been agreed as a particular date in the future but excluding a future .


As Published: 2004


4 the method known by that name for modifying the net premium reserve method of valuing a long-term insurance contract by increasing the part of the future premiums for which credit is taken so as to…

defined benefit occupational pension scheme

As Published: 2005

defined benefit occupational pension scheme

an occupational pension scheme which is not a defined contribution occupational pension scheme . 26…

Emission Allowance Trading Directive

As Published: 2017

Emission Allowance Trading Directive

119 Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community, and amending Council…

MAR 5A Annex 1 Form in relation to pre-trade transparency

As Published: 2017

MAR 5A Annex 1 Form in relation to pre-trade transparency