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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

retail securitised derivative

As Published: 2002

retail securitised derivative

a securitised derivative which is not a specialist securitised derivative; in this definition, a "specialist securitised derivative" is a securitised derivative which, in accordance with the listing r…

MCD lifetime mortgage

As Published: 2015

MCD lifetime mortgage

99 a lifetime mortgage which is not an MCD exempt lifetime mortgage .

dormant account fund operator

As Published: 2009

dormant account fund operator

52 a firm with permission for operating a dormant account fund .

prohibition order

As Published: 2001

prohibition order

5 an order made under section 56 of the Act (Prohibition orders) which prohibits an individual from performing a specified function, any function falling within a specified description or any function…

MAR Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

As Published: 2004

MAR Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

capital resources gearing rules

As Published: 2008

capital resources gearing rules

156 (1) [deleted] 189 (2) [deleted] (3) (in relation to a BIPRU firm ) GENPRU 2.2.30 R , GENPRU 2.2.46 R and GENPRU 2.2.49 R and GENPRU 2.2.50 R .


As Published: 2001


Investment Services Directive . 5…

long-term insurance asset

As Published: 2004

long-term insurance asset

13 has the meaning set out in 22 INSPRU 1.5.21R 22 .

external custody reconciliation

As Published: 2014

external custody reconciliation

94 the safe custody asset reconciliation described in CASS 6.6.34 R .

interest-rate contract

As Published: 2013

interest-rate contract

124 interest-rate contracts listed in paragraph 1 of Annex II to the EU CRR .

participating security

As Published: 2001

participating security

a participating security as defined in regulation 3 of the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 1995 (SI 1995/3272), which enable title to participating securities to be evidenced otherwise than by a…

CASS Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

As Published: 2003

CASS Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

SUP 3 Annex 1 SUP 3 Annex 1

As Published: 2011

SUP 3 Annex 1 SUP 3 Annex 1

Solvency 1 Directive

As Published: 2004

Solvency 1 Directive

28 the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 March 2002 amending Council Directive 79/267/EEC as regards the solvency margin requirements for life assurance undertakings (No. 20…

COCON Sch 3 Fees and required payments

As Published: 2015

COCON Sch 3 Fees and required payments


As Published: 2004


24 the MCR in relation to business carried on in all EEA States , taken together, calculated by a UK-deposit insurer in accordance with INSPRU 1.5.46R 34 .

total group tier one capital

As Published: 2004

total group tier one capital

14 the sum calculated at stage A of the calculation in INSPRU 6.1.43R 26 .

customer order

As Published: 2001

customer order

(a) an order to a firm from a customer to execute a transaction as agent; (b) any other order to a firm from a customer to execute a transaction in circumstances giving rise to duties similar to those…

COND Sch 4 Powers exercised

As Published: 2004

COND Sch 4 Powers exercised

inter-professional business

As Published: 2001

inter-professional business

(for the purposes only of COBS TP 1 (Transitional Provisions in relation to Client Categorisation)) business which comes within the meaning of 'inter-professional business' as defined in COB on 31 Oct…