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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

tier two capital resources

As Published: 2004

tier two capital resources

14 the sum calculated at stage I (Total tier two capital) 26 of the calculation in the capital resources table 26 .

equivalent business of a third country investment firm

As Published: 2006

equivalent business of a third country investment firm

33 the business of a third country investment firm carried on from an establishment in the United Kingdom that would be MiFID business if that firm were a MiFID investment firm .

CASS large debt management firm

As Published: 2014

CASS large debt management firm

157 a CASS debt management firm falling within the classification of CASS large debt management firm in CASS 11.2.3 R .

client money chapter

As Published: 2008

client money chapter

79 CASS 7 .

Disciplinary Tribunal

As Published: 2001

Disciplinary Tribunal

a Tribunal appointed under Schedule 2 to Lloyd's Disciplinary Committees Byelaw (No 31 of 1996). 3…

MIPRU Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

As Published: 2006

MIPRU Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

ADR Regulations

As Published: 2015

ADR Regulations

120 190 the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/542).

terminating event

As Published: 2001

terminating event

(as defined in article 2(1) of the compensation transitionals order ) in relation to applications made under an investment business compensation scheme , the withdrawal, discontinuance or rejection of…

cross border services

As Published: 2001

cross border services

(1) (in relation to a UK firm ) services provided within an EEA State other than the United Kingdom under the freedom to provide services. (2) (in relation to an incoming EEA firm or an incoming Treat…

UK parent financial holding company in a Member State

As Published: 2006

UK parent financial holding company in a Member State

19 a parent financial holding company in a Member State where the EEA State in question is the United Kingdom .

EEA bank

As Published: 2001

EEA bank

90 an incoming EEA firm which is a CRD credit institution .

RAP regulations

As Published: 2011

RAP regulations

105 the Recognised Auction Platforms Regulations 2011 (SI 2011/2699).

own-initiative powers

As Published: 2013

own-initiative powers

the 121 FCA's or the PRA's own-initiative variation power and own-initiative requirement power .

business offer document

As Published: 2003

business offer document

9 an offer document for a regulated mortgage contract that is for a business purpose.

RCB Sch 4 Powers exercised

As Published: 2008

RCB Sch 4 Powers exercised

loaned funds

As Published: 2014

loaned funds

57 (in IPRU(INV) ) any funds that have been provided to borrowers under a P2P agreement through an operator of an electronic system in relation to lending .

relevant financial system

As Published: 2010

relevant financial system

87 (in accordance with section 169A(5) of the Act (Support of overseas regulator with respect to financial stability)) a financial system including: (a) financial markets and exchanges; (b) activities…

interim permission

As Published: 2013

interim permission

122 in accordance with article 56 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (No.2) Order 2013, subject to article 59 of that Order, to be treated as: (a) in rel…

key investor information document

As Published: 2011

key investor information document

8 a short document containing key investor information for investors in a UCITS scheme 10 on the essential elements of the scheme 10 , as detailed in COLL 4.7.2 R (Key investor information).

disclosure obligations

As Published: 2007

disclosure obligations

39 (in REC ) the initial, ongoing and ad hoc disclosure requirements contained in the relevant articles and given effect: (1) in the United Kingdom by Part 6 of the Act and Part 6 rules (within the me…