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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

Electing Participants Order

As Published: 2001

Electing Participants Order

the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Compensation Scheme: Electing Participants) Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/1783). 3…

CCR standardised method

As Published: 2006

CCR standardised method

48 the method of calculating the amount of an exposure set out in BIPRU 13.5 (CCR standardised method).

COCON Sch 6 Rules that can be waived

As Published: 2015

COCON Sch 6 Rules that can be waived


As Published: 2006


52 the internal capital adequacy assessment process .

key features scheme

As Published: 2005

key features scheme

6 7 a scheme that is not: (a) a 8 UCITS scheme or an EEA UCITS scheme ; 8 (b) a qualified investor scheme ; or (c) a recognised scheme under section 264 of the Act (Schemes constituted in other EEA St…

Stakeholder Regulations

As Published: 2004

Stakeholder Regulations

27 the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Stakeholder Products) Regulations 2004 (SI 2004/2738).

settlement price

As Published: 2005

settlement price

(in LR ) (in relation to securitised derivatives ), the reference price or prices of the underlying instrument or instruments stipulated by the issuer for the purposes of calculating its obligations t…

notional principal

As Published: 2001

notional principal

(a) (in relation to a contract for differences which is an index derivative ): (i) the current mark to market valuation of a contract for differences which resembles a futures contract; or (ii) the ex…

extraordinary public financial support

As Published: 2015

extraordinary public financial support

99 State aid within article 107(1) of the Treaty , or any other public financial support at supra-national level, which, if given at national level, would constitute state aid that is given to preserv…

LR 10.6 [deleted]

As Published: 2007

LR 10.6 [deleted]

inside information

As Published: 2005

inside information

as described in article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation . 145…

marketing group

As Published: 2009

marketing group

66 a group of persons who: (a) are allied together (either formally or informally) for the purposes of marketing packaged products of the marketing group ; and (b) each of whom, if it holds itself out…

qualifying debt security

As Published: 2002

qualifying debt security

(1) 10 17 41 [deleted] 17 41 (2) (for the purposes of BIPRU ) a debt security that satisfies the conditions in BIPRU 7.2.49 R (Definition of a qualifying debt security). 10…

limited activity firm

As Published: 2006

limited activity firm

54 has the meaning in article 96(1) of the EU CRR .

long-term insurance capital requirement

As Published: 2004

long-term insurance capital requirement

13 (in relation to a firm carrying on long-term insurance business ) an amount of capital resources that the firm must hold calculated in accordance with 22 GENPRU 2.1.36R 22 .

regulatory surplus

As Published: 2005

regulatory surplus

32 (in relation to a long-term business fund, or sub-fund) the excess, if any, of the regulatory value of assets for the with-profits fund over the regulatory value of liabilities for that fund.

firm's equity balance

As Published: 2014

firm's equity balance

76 the sum of money described in CASS 7.16.29 R .

internal approaches

As Published: 2013

internal approaches

124 one or more of the following, as referred to in the EU CRR : (a) the Internal Ratings Based Approach in article 143(1); (b) the Internal Models Approach in article 221; (c) the own estimates appro…

MCOB 6 Annex 3 - Cooling-Off Document of a regulated sale and rent back agreement.

As Published: 2010

MCOB 6 Annex 3 - Cooling-Off Document of a regulated sale and rent back agreement.


As Published: 2001


(in relation to a firm which is a partnership ) any person appointed to direct its affairs, including: (a) a person occupying the position of a partner (by whatever name called); and (b) a person in a…