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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

Insurance Ombudsman scheme

As Published: 2001

Insurance Ombudsman scheme

the former scheme set up, on a voluntary basis, to handle complaints against those insurance companies which subscribed to it. 1…

management expenses levy

As Published: 2001

management expenses levy

a levy imposed by the FSCS on participant firms to meet the management expenses and which is made up of one or more of a base cost levy and 53 a specific costs levy , each participant firm's share bei…

MiFID client money (minimum implementing) rules

As Published: 2014

MiFID client money (minimum implementing) rules

, , CASS 7.12.1 R , CASS 7.12.2 R , CASS 7.13.3 R , CASS 7.13.8 R , CASS 7.13.10 R , CASS 7.13.12 R , CASS 7.13.28 R , CASS 7.15.2 R , CASS 7.15.3 R , CASS 7.15.20 R .

SUP 16 Annex 3 [deleted]

As Published: 2001

SUP 16 Annex 3 [deleted]

LR Sch 2 [to follow]

As Published: 2009

LR Sch 2 [to follow]

entering into a regulated consumer hire agreement as owner

As Published: 2013

entering into a regulated consumer hire agreement as owner

87 the regulated activity specified in article 60N(1) of the Regulated Activities Order .

supplementary prospectus

As Published: 2005

supplementary prospectus

(in Part 6 rules ) a supplementary prospectus containing details of a new factor, mistake or inaccuracy. 34…

debt collector

As Published: 2014

debt collector

87 a person who has, or ought to have, a Part 4A permission to carry on the regulated activity of debt adjusting and who takes steps to procure payment of debts due under credit agreements or consumer…

RRD group

As Published: 2015

RRD group

138 a group that: (a) includes an RRD institution ; and (b) is headed by an EEA parent undertaking .

Remuneration Code

As Published: 2009

Remuneration Code

79 SYSC 19A 93 (IFPRU 146 Remuneration Code)for IFPRU investment firms and overseas firms in SYSC 19A.1.1R(1)(d) that would have been an IFPRU investment firm if it had been a UK domestic firm 146 .

precious metals

As Published: 2001

precious metals

5 (in COLL ) gold, silver or platinum.

authorised insurance company

As Published: 2006

authorised insurance company

40 (In COMP ) (in accordance with the compensation transitionals order ) a person who was, at any time before commencement , authorised under section 3 or 4 of the Insurance Companies Act 1982 to carr…

conversion factor

As Published: 2006

conversion factor

156 (in accordance with Article 4(28) of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Definitions) and for the purposes of BIPRU ) the ratio of the currently undrawn amount of a commitment that will be drawn…

automatic enrolment scheme

As Published: 2011

automatic enrolment scheme

76 a scheme that meets the conditions in Part 1 of the Pensions Act 2008. In summary this is a qualifying occupational pension scheme or qualifying personal pension scheme that enables automatic enrol…

IPA eligible investment

As Published: 2001

IPA eligible investment

a type of investment specified in regulation 2(2) (condition 5) of the Stamp Duty and Stamp Duty Reserve Tax (Definition of Unit Trust Scheme and Open-ended Investment Company) Regulations 2001 (SI 20…

institutional linked policyholders

As Published: 2007

institutional linked policyholders

67 in relation to permitted links , linked policyholders who are trustees of a defined benefit occupational pension scheme .

motor vehicle liability insurer

As Published: 2004

motor vehicle liability insurer

(a) a firm with permission to carry on motor vehicle liability insurance business ; (b) any person carrying on the regulated activity of managing the underwriting capacity of a Lloyd's syndicate in re…

procuration fee

As Published: 2003

procuration fee

14 the total amount paid by a home finance provider 39 to a home finance intermediary 39 , whether directly or indirectly, in connection with providing applications from customers to enter into home f…

physical asset reconciliation

As Published: 2014

physical asset reconciliation

119 the safe custody assets reconciliation described in CASS 6.6.24 R , using either the total count method or the rolling stock method .

EEA regulated entity

As Published: 2004

EEA regulated entity

21 a regulated entity that is an EEA firm or a UK firm .