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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

CASS small debt management firm

As Published: 2014

CASS small debt management firm

157 a CASS debt management firm falling within the classification of CASS small debt management firm in CASS 11.2.3 R .

carrying out contracts of insurance

As Published: 2001

carrying out contracts of insurance

the regulated activity , specified in article 10(2) of the Regulated Activities Order (Effecting and carrying out contracts of insurance), of carrying out a contract of insurance as principal. 3…

one-day VaR measure

As Published: 2006

one-day VaR measure

29 (in BIPRU 7.10 (Use of a value at risk model)) has the meaning in BIPRU 7.10.98R (Backtesting: One day VaR measure), which is in summary and in relation to a particular business day , the VaR numbe…

finance platform

As Published: 2016

finance platform

103 (in accordance with section 7(2) of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act ) a person that provides a service for the exchange of information between finance providers and businesses th…

ADR entity

As Published: 2015

ADR entity

120 190 any entity, however named or referred to, which is listed in accordance with article 20(2) of the ADR Directive . [Note: article 4(1) of the ADR Directive ]…

resilience capital requirement

As Published: 2004

resilience capital requirement

29 the capital component for long-term insurance business calculated in accordance with the rules in INSPRU 3.1.9G to INSPRU 3.1.26R 46 .

SUP App 2.9 Under control of a new parent undertaking

As Published: 2001

SUP App 2.9 Under control of a new parent undertaking

RAP recognition requirements

As Published: 2011

RAP recognition requirements

105 (1) (in relation to an RAP ) any of the requirements applicable to an RAP under the RAP regulations , the auction regulation or the MiFID Regulation . (2) (in relation to a UK RIE applying for rec…

own-initiative variation power

As Published: 2013

own-initiative variation power

121 The FCA's or the PRA's power under section 55J (Variation or cancellation on initiative of regulator) to vary or cancel a Part 4A permission otherwise than on the application of a firm .

business illustration

As Published: 2003

business illustration

9 an illustration for a regulated mortgage contract that is for a business purpose.

COMP 5.1 Application and Purpose

As Published: 2001

COMP 5.1 Application and Purpose

standard terms

As Published: 2001

standard terms

(in DISP ) the contractual terms made under paragraph 18 of Schedule 17 to the Act (The Ombudsman Scheme), under which VJ participants participate in the Voluntary Jurisdiction . 5 22…

BIPRU 1 Annex 2D Application form to apply the IRB approach

As Published: 2007

BIPRU 1 Annex 2D Application form to apply the IRB approach


As Published: 2001


the FCA Handbook . 36…

exercising, or having the right to exercise, the owner's rights and duties under a regulated consumer hire agreement

As Published: 2013

exercising, or having the right to exercise, the owner's rights and duties under a regulated consumer hire agreement

87 the regulated activity specified in article 60N(2) of the Regulated Activities Order .

matched principal exemption conditions

As Published: 2006

matched principal exemption conditions

40 91 (1) (for the purposes of BIPRU ) the conditions set out in BIPRU 1.1.23 R(2) (Meaning of dealing on own account). 91 (2) (other than in BIPRU ) the conditions set out in IFPRU 1.1.12R (Meaning o…

home finance provider

As Published: 2006

home finance provider

8 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) for entering into a home finance transaction .

non-UK DLG by modification

As Published: 2009

non-UK DLG by modification

35 either of the following: (a) a non-UK DLG by modification (firm level) ; or (b) a non-UK DLG by modification (DLG level) .

relevant electronic lending services

As Published: 2016

relevant electronic lending services

159 operating an electronic system in relation to lending or operating an electronic system in relation to non-P2P agreements .

debt management activity

As Published: 2014

debt management activity

87 the activities of debt counselling or debt adjusting , alone or together, carried on with a view to an individual entering into a particular debt solution or in relation to any such debt solution ,…