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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

issuing electronic money

As Published: 2011

issuing electronic money

102 197 the activity specified in article 9B of the Regulated Activities Order (Issuing electronic money), which is the activity of issuing electronic money by: (a) a credit institution , a credit uni…

MAD Investment Recommendations Directive

As Published: 2007

MAD Investment Recommendations Directive

44 The Commission Directive of 22 December 2003 implementing the Market Abuse Directive as regards the fair presentation of investment recommendations and the disclosure of conflicts of interest (No.

relevant office-holder

As Published: 2001

relevant office-holder

a relevant office-holder as defined in section 189 of the Companies Act 1989, which is in summary: (a) the official receiver; (b) (in relation to a company) any person acting as its liquidator, provis…

relevant provisions

As Published: 2014

relevant provisions

132 in accordance with article 36A of the Regulated Activities Order , articles 60C (exempt agreements: exemptions relating to the nature of the agreement), 60D (exempt agreements: exemption relating…

specific costs

As Published: 2001

specific costs

management expenses other than base costs and establishment costs . 4…

actuarial investigation

As Published: 2004

actuarial investigation

21 an investigation to which IPRU-INS rule 9.4 applies.

approved credit institution

As Published: 2001

approved credit institution

a credit institution recognised or permitted under the law of an EEA State to carry on any of the activities set out in Annex 1 to the CRD 106 .

credit repair firm

As Published: 2013

credit repair firm

151 a firm which carries on the activity of providing credit information services with a view to securing or advising on the correction of or omission of anything from, or making of any modification o…

approved stock lending transaction

As Published: 2004

approved stock lending transaction

21 a stock lending transaction in respect of which the conditions in 37 INSPRU 3.2.36 R 37 have been met.

intermediate holding vehicle

As Published: 2007

intermediate holding vehicle

71 a company , trust or partnership but not a collective investment scheme , whose purpose is to enable the holding of overseas 74 immovables on behalf of a non-UCITS retail scheme or a qualified inve…

multiplication factor

As Published: 2006

multiplication factor

40 (in BIPRU 7.10 (Use of a value at risk model)) a multiplication factor applied to a VaR measure for the purpose of calculating the model PRR made up of the minimum multiplication factor as increase…

defined liquidity group

As Published: 2009

defined liquidity group

57 a DLG by default or DLG by modification .

shared appreciation mortgage

As Published: 2003

shared appreciation mortgage

15 a regulated mortgage contract , a condition of which is that the mortgage lender will receive a share in any increase in value in the mortgaged property when the customer either sells the property…

TC Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

As Published: 2007

TC Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

VaR model permission

As Published: 2006

VaR model permission

15 an Article 129 implementing measure , a requirement or a waiver that requires a BIPRU firm or a CAD investment firm to use the VaR model approach on a solo basis or, if the context requires, a cons…

Consolidated Life Directive information

As Published: 2007

Consolidated Life Directive information

56 (in COBS ) the Consolidated Life Directive information ( COBS 13 Annex 1 ).


As Published: 2011


43 undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities that are established in accordance with the UCITS Directive .

MCD mortgage adviser

As Published: 2015

MCD mortgage adviser

99 a mortgage adviser who, by way of business, provides a personal recommendation to a consumer in respect of MCD regulated mortgage contracts . [Note: article 4(21) of the MCD ]…


As Published: 2001


a police officer in the United Kingdom or a person commissioned by the Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs. 30…

third-country competent authority

As Published: 2004

third-country competent authority

13 the authority of a country or territory which is not an EEA State that is empowered by law or regulation to supervise (whether on an individual or group-wide basis) regulated entities .