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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

gross adjusted claims amount

As Published: 2004

gross adjusted claims amount

12 (for the purposes of INSPRU 1.1 20 ) an amount, as defined in INSPRU 1.1.60R 20 to INSPRU 1.1.65G 20 , used in calculating the claims amount .

retail customer

As Published: 2003

retail customer

14 17 22 (in accordance with the meaning of 'consumer' in article 2(d) of the Distance Marketing Directive an individual who is acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business or profession.

time-scheduled buy-back programme

As Published: 2005

time-scheduled buy-back programme

15 (as defined in Article 2 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation ) a buy-back programme where the dates and quantities of securities to be traded during the time period of the programme are se…

EG PDF Archive

As Published: 2007

EG PDF Archive

decision notice

As Published: 2001

decision notice

a notice issued by the FSA in accordance with section 388 of the Act (Decision notices). 3…

SCV system

As Published: 2009

SCV system

(in COMP ) a firm's system for satisfying the FSA's SCV requirements . 86…


As Published: 2006


39 The European Parliament and Council Directive on markets in financial instruments (No. 2004/39/EC). See also MiFID Regulation and MiFID implementing Directive .

Enterprise Zone Property Unit Trust

As Published: 2001

Enterprise Zone Property Unit Trust

an unregulated collective investment scheme of which the underlying assets are industrial and commercial buildings in an Enterprise Zone in accordance with section 749(2) of the Finance Act 1980. 4…

counterparty credit risk

As Published: 2006

counterparty credit risk

48 (in accordance with Part 1 of Annex III of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Definitions)) the risk that the counterparty to a transaction could default before the final settlement of the transa…

Regulatory Decisions Committee

As Published: 2001

Regulatory Decisions Committee

a committee of the Board of the FSA , described in DEPP 3.1 (The nature and procedure of the RDC) 58 .

group ISA

As Published: 2001

group ISA

an individual savings account of which the plan manager is the authorised fund manager , or in the same group as the authorised fund manager , of the authorised fund by reference to units in which the…

EIS manager

As Published: 2001

EIS manager

(a) (in relation to an EIS managed portfolio ) the investment manager; (b) (in relation to an EIS fund ) the manager of the fund. 4…


As Published: 2003


9 (in relation to a regulated mortgage contract or a home purchase plan 32 ) either: (a) a shortfall (equivalent to two or more regular payments) in the accumulated total payments actually made by the…

applicable sectoral consolidation rules

As Published: 2004

applicable sectoral consolidation rules

14 (in respect of a financial sector and in accordance with paragraph 6.9 37 of GENPRU 3 Annex 1 37 (Applicable sectoral consolidation rules)) the FSA's sectoral rules about capital adequacy and solve…

senior staff committee

As Published: 2001

senior staff committee

(in DEPP and EG 58 ) a committee consisting of senior FSA staff members that is empowered to make statutory notice decisions and statutory notice associated decisions by executive procedures . 5…

Financial Promotion Order

As Published: 2001

Financial Promotion Order

the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (SI 2005/1529) 17 .

executive procedures

As Published: 2001

executive procedures

the procedures relating to the giving of warning notices, decision notices and supervisory notices that are described in DEPP 4 (Decisions by FSA staff under executive procedures) 44 .


As Published: 2005


32 the consumer-friendly version of a firm's PPFM , which must be produced pursuant to COBS 20.4.5 R 56 .

actuarial function

As Published: 2004

actuarial function

19 controlled function CF12 in the table of controlled functions , described more fully in SUP 4.3.13 R and SUP 10.7.17 R .


As Published: 2004


28 see range of packaged products and range of stakeholder products.