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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

credit unions day

As Published: 2005

credit unions day

37 (in relation to a Great Britain credit union ) 1 July 2002 or (in relation to a Northern Ireland credit union ) 31 March 2012. 127…

APER App 1.1 This appendix has been removed until further notice

As Published: 2011

APER App 1.1 This appendix has been removed until further notice

limited liability partnership

As Published: 2001

limited liability partnership

(a) a body corporate incorporated under the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000; (b) a body corporate incorporated under legislation having the equivalent effect to the Limited Liability Partnersh…


As Published: 2001


5 investment company with variable capital . 42…

non-executive director function

As Published: 2001

non-executive director function

controlled function CF2 in the table of controlled functions , described more fully in SUP 10.6.8 R 2 .


As Published: 2009


86 Individual Liquidity Systems Assessment .

feeder UCITS

As Published: 2011

feeder UCITS

52 (in accordance with article 58(1) of the UCITS Directive ): (a) a UCITS scheme or a sub-fund of a UCITS scheme which has been approved by the FSA ; or (b) an EEA UCITS scheme or a sub-fund of an EE…

Personal Insurance Arbitration Service

As Published: 2001

Personal Insurance Arbitration Service

the former scheme set up on a voluntary basis and run by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators to handle complaints against those insurance companies which subscribed to it. 2…

Lloyd's Return

As Published: 2001

Lloyd's Return

the financial report that the Society is required to submit to the FSA under IPRU(INS) 9.48(1) 22 .

ongoing basis

As Published: 2010

ongoing basis

45 in BIPRU 9.15 , maintaining on an ongoing basis means that the retained positions, interest or exposures are not hedged or sold. [Note: BCD , Article 122a, paragraph 1]…

MTF transaction

As Published: 2007

MTF transaction

44 a transaction concluded by a firm under the rules governing an MTF with another member or participant of that MTF .

qualifying investment

As Published: 2001

qualifying investment

1 an investment which has been prescribed by the Treasury in the Prescribed Markets and Qualifying Investments Order…

tier two capital resources

As Published: 2004

tier two capital resources

14 the sum calculated at stage I (Total tier two capital) 26 of the calculation in the capital resources table 26 .

equivalent business of a third country investment firm

As Published: 2006

equivalent business of a third country investment firm

33 the business of a third country investment firm carried on from an establishment in the United Kingdom that would be MiFID business if that firm were a MiFID investment firm .

client money chapter

As Published: 2008

client money chapter

79 CASS 7 .

cash component

As Published: 2001

cash component

a qualifying investment prescribed in paragraph 8 of the ISA Regulations (Qualifying investments for a cash component). 3…

Disciplinary Tribunal

As Published: 2001

Disciplinary Tribunal

a Tribunal appointed under Schedule 2 to Lloyd's Disciplinary Committees Byelaw (No 31 of 1996). 3…

one-sided credit valuation adjustment

As Published: 2006

one-sided credit valuation adjustment

29 (in accordance with Part 1 of Annex III of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Definitions)) a credit valuation adjustment that reflects the market value of the credit risk of the counterparty to…

adequate public disclosure

As Published: 2005

adequate public disclosure

22 (as defined in Article 2 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation ) disclosure made in accordance with the procedure laid down in Articles 102(1) and 103 of the Consolidated Admissions and Repo…

MIPRU Sch 3 Fees and other required payments

As Published: 2006

MIPRU Sch 3 Fees and other required payments