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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

offer for subscription

As Published: 2005

offer for subscription

(in LR ) an invitation to the public by, or on behalf of, an issuer to subscribe for securities of the issuer not yet in issue or allotted (and may be in the form of an invitation to tender at or abov…


As Published: 2001


the Handbook Guide for energy market participants. 2 15…

SUP 10 Annex 2 Approved person regime: summary of forms and their use

As Published: 2001

SUP 10 Annex 2 Approved person regime: summary of forms and their use

Money Laundering Regulations

As Published: 2002

Money Laundering Regulations

the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 (SI 2007/2157) 55 .

bearer certificate

As Published: 2001

bearer certificate

4 12 (in COLL and CIS ) a certificate or other documentary evidence of title, for which provision is made in the instrument constituting the scheme , which indicates that: (a) the holder of the docume…

Gibraltar Order

As Published: 2001

Gibraltar Order

the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Gibraltar) Order 2001 (SI 2001/3084). 3…

Consumer Panel

As Published: 2001

Consumer Panel

the panel of persons which section 10of the Act (The Consumer Panel) requires the FSA to establish and maintain, as part of its arrangements for consultation under section 8, to represent the interest…

introducer appointed representative

As Published: 2001

introducer appointed representative

an appointed representative appointed by a firm whose scope of appointment is limited to: 30 (a) effecting introductions; and (b) distributing non-real time financial promotions . 5…

class tests

As Published: 2005

class tests

(in LR ) the tests set out in LR 10 Annex 1 (and for certain specialist companies, those tests as modified by LR 10.7 ), which are used to determine how a transaction is to be classified for the purpo…


As Published: 2008


29 the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from agricultural (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries, as well as the biodegradable fraction of ind…


As Published: 2001


the part of the Handbook in High Level Standards which has the title the Fit and Proper test for Approved Persons. 2…

core provision

As Published: 2001

core provision

(as defined in section 316(3) of the Act (Direction by Authority)) a provision of the Act mentioned in section 317 of the Act (The core provisions) which applies to the carrying on of an insurance mar…

retail investment

As Published: 2004

retail investment

(a) a life policy ; or 19 (b) a unit ; or 19 (c) a stakeholder pension scheme ; or 19 (ca) a personal pension scheme ; or 40 (d) an interest in an investment trust savings scheme ; or 19 (e) a structu…

solicited real time financial promotion

As Published: 2001

solicited real time financial promotion

(in accordance with article 8 of the Financial Promotion Order ) a real time financial promotion which is solicited, that is, it is made in the course of a personal visit, telephone call or other inte…

UK consolidated group

As Published: 2002

UK consolidated group

(in ELM ) (in relation to an ELMI ) the consolidated sub-group of: (a) the ELMI's UK financial parent undertaking ; or (b) (if the ELMI has no UK financial parent undertaking and the ELMI is a UK dome…

non-EEA insurer

As Published: 2004

non-EEA insurer

13 an insurer whose head office is not in an EEA State .


As Published: 2001


2 a limitation incorporated in a Part IV permission under section 42(7)(a)of the Act (Giving permission) or section 45(4)of the Act (Variation etc on the Authority's own initiative).

COMP 8.1 Application and Purpose

As Published: 2001

COMP 8.1 Application and Purpose

non-discretionary management agreement

As Published: 2001

non-discretionary management agreement

an agreement for the non-discretionary management of investments : (a) under which the firm agrees to conduct a regular review of the suitability of the client's account or portfolio, based on an asse…

common platform requirements on financial crime

As Published: 2006

common platform requirements on financial crime

the requirements on financial crime applicable to common platform firms set out in 56 47 SYSC 6.3 .