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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

FX exposure

As Published: 2002

FX exposure

(in ELM ) (in relation to an ELMI ) its net FX open position multiplied by 8%, calculated in accordance with ELM 3.4 (Foreign exchange risk). 4…

standard terms

As Published: 2001

standard terms

(in DISP ) the contractual terms made under paragraph 18 of Schedule 17 to the Act (The Ombudsman Scheme), under which VJ participants participate in the Voluntary Jurisdiction . 5 22…

BIPRU 1 Annex 2D Application form to apply the IRB approach

As Published: 2007

BIPRU 1 Annex 2D Application form to apply the IRB approach

home finance provider

As Published: 2006

home finance provider

8 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) for entering into a home finance transaction .

non-retail communication

As Published: 2007

non-retail communication

23 a financial promotion and: (a) is made only to recipient who the firm reasonably believes are professional clients or eligible counterparties ; or (b) may reasonably be regarded as directed only at…

significant influence function

As Published: 2001

significant influence function

any of the controlled functions 1 to 12B, and 28 and 29 62 in the table of controlled functions . 5…


As Published: 2004


24 (as defined in section 1(2) of the Child Trust Funds Act 2004) a child trust fund, that is, an account which: (1) is held by a child who is or has been an eligible child (as defined in section 2 of…

authorised UK representative

As Published: 2001

authorised UK representative

4 (in relation to a firm ) a person resident in the United Kingdom who is authorised to act generally, and to accept service of any document , on behalf of the firm .

commodity PRR

As Published: 2006

commodity PRR

48 the part of the market risk capital requirement calculated in accordance with BIPRU 7.4 (Commodity PRR) or, in relation to a particular position , the portion of the overall commodity PRR attributa…

investment firm consolidation waiver

As Published: 2006

investment firm consolidation waiver

52 a waiver (described in BIPRU 8.4 (CAD Article 22 groups and investment firm consolidation waiver)) that disapplies certain requirements so far as they apply on a consolidated basis with respect to…

linked fund

As Published: 2007

linked fund

29 a real or notional account to which an insurer appropriates linked assets for the purposes of their being permitted links , and which may be subdivided into units, the value of each of which is det…

securitisation credit default swap PRR method

As Published: 2006

securitisation credit default swap PRR method

45 the method for calculating the specific risk portion of the interest rate PRR for credit default swaps that are securitisation positions set out in BIPRU 7.11.39 R to BIPRU 7.11.53 R .


As Published: 2005


Consolidated Admissions and Reporting Directive . 31…

higher rate of return

As Published: 2007

higher rate of return

15 (in COBS ) the higher rate of return described in paragraph 2.3 of the projection rules ( COBS 13 Annex 2 ).

backtesting exception

As Published: 2006

backtesting exception

23 (in BIPRU 7.10 (Use of a value at risk model)) an exception (excluding a specific risk backtesting exception ) arising out of backtesting a VaR model as more fully defined in BIPRU 7.10.103 R .

unrecognised scheme

As Published: 2005

unrecognised scheme

(in LR ) a collective investment scheme which is neither a recognised scheme nor a scheme that is constituted as an authorised unit trust scheme . 12…

equity release provider

As Published: 2006

equity release provider

31 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) for: (a) entering into a regulated mortgage contract (when carried on in relation to a lifetime mortgage ); or (b) entering into a home r…

permitted immovable

As Published: 2001

permitted immovable

any interest in land or buildings 48 which falls within COLL 5.6.18 R (2) and COLL 5.6.18 R (6) (Investment in property) and which, being a leasehold interest or its equivalent, has an unexpired term…


As Published: 2003


the Handbook Guide: "Using the FSA Handbook: an Overview for small IFA firms" 17…

position risk requirement

As Published: 2006

position risk requirement

43 a capital requirement applied to a position treated under BIPRU 7 (Market risk) as part of the calculation of the market risk capital requirement or, if the relevant provision of the Handbook disti…