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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

exercise price

As Published: 2005

exercise price

(in LR ) (in relation to securitised derivatives ), the price stipulated by the issuer at which the holder can buy or sell the underlying instrument from or to the issuer . 26…

ICOBS 4 Annex 1 Initial disclosure document [deleted]

As Published: 2016

ICOBS 4 Annex 1 Initial disclosure document [deleted]

EIS share

As Published: 2001

EIS share

a share in respect of which the beneficial owner may, subject to his individual circumstances, be qualified, or has been qualified, for relief under Chapter III of Part VII of the Income and Corporati…

registered society

As Published: 2017

registered society

181 a society registered or deemed to be registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.

FCA registered tied agent

As Published: 2013

FCA registered tied agent

154 a tied agent who is an agent for the purposes of section 39A of the Act .

CRD credit institution

As Published: 2013

CRD credit institution

156 a credit institution that has its registered office (or, if it has no registered office, its head office) in an EEA State , excluding an institution to which the CRD does not apply under article 2…

income equalisation

As Published: 2001

income equalisation

(in relation to a scheme ) a capital sum which, in accordance with a power contained in the instrument constituting the fund 128 , is included in an allocation of income for a unit issued, sold or con…

front end loaded

As Published: 2001

front end loaded

2 (in relation to an investment ) one where deductions for charges and expenses are loaded disproportionately on the early years.

relevant debts under management

As Published: 2014

relevant debts under management

132 in relation to a firm , a debt due under a credit agreement or a consumer hire agreement in relation to which the firm is carrying on debt adjusting or an activity connected to that activity.

UK designated investment firm

As Published: 2013

UK designated investment firm

53 (in BIPRU 12 and in 72 SYSC 19D 60 ) a designated investment firm which is a body corporate or partnership formed under the law of any part of the UK .

smoothed linked long term stakeholder product

As Published: 2004

smoothed linked long term stakeholder product

27 the stakeholder product specified by regulations 6, 7 and 8 (smoothed linked long term contracts) of the Stakeholder Regulations ;…

Lloyd's Arbitration Scheme

As Published: 2001

Lloyd's Arbitration Scheme

the Lloyd's Arbitration Scheme (Members and Underwriting Agents Arbitration Scheme) established under Lloyd's Arbitration Scheme (Members and Underwriting Agents Scheme) Byelaw (No 15 of 1992). 2…

securities issued in a continuous and repeated manner

As Published: 2005

securities issued in a continuous and repeated manner

(in PR ) (as defined in Article 2.1(l) of the prospectus directive ) issues on tap or at least two separate issues of securities of a similar type and/or class over a period of 12 months. 34…

core UK group permission

As Published: 2013

core UK group permission

153 a permission given by the FCA under article 113(6) of the EU CRR (see IFPRU 8.1.14 G to IFPRU 8.1.21 G ).

consumer credit lending

As Published: 2014

consumer credit lending

157 in accordance with article 60B of the Regulated Activities Order , entering into a regulated credit agreement as lender or exercising, or having the right to exercise, the lender's rights and duti…

establishment costs

As Published: 2001

establishment costs

(1) (in FEES 6 27 27 ) the costs of establishing the compensation scheme . (2) (in FEES 5 4 3 27 27 ) the costs of establishing the Financial Ombudsman Service .

receiving UCITS

As Published: 2011

receiving UCITS

99 (in COLL ) in relation to a UCITS merger , the UCITS scheme or EEA UCITS scheme or sub-fund of that scheme , whether it is an existing scheme (or a sub-fund of it) or one that is being formed for t…

MCD firm

As Published: 2015

MCD firm

99 any of the following: (a) an MCD creditor ; (b) an MCD credit intermediary ; or (c) an MCD mortgage administrator . [Note: article 4(2), (5) and (21) of the MCD ]…

ISA transfer

As Published: 2001

ISA transfer

a transaction resulting from a decision, made with or without advice from a firm , by a customer who is an individual, to transfer the investments (or their value) held in his existing ISA in favour o…

relevant charitable scheme

As Published: 2001

relevant charitable scheme

an authorised fund which is: (a) a registered charity; or (b) a charitable unit trust scheme under regulation 7(2)(d) of the Income Tax (Definition of Unit Trust Scheme) Regulations 1988. 5…